Mangrove is a group of plants that live at coastal line or estuary, with some characteristic form of the affect of sea-water tide. Many coast of Komodo National Park have mangrove forest, even on the small islands. Some site that have a good mangrove forest such as Loh Lawi, around Tanjung Kuning through Loh Sebita and Gililawa in Komodo Island; Loh Kima, Loh Buaya through Rinca Village in Rinca Island; Papagaran Island, Mangiatan Island, Bero Island, and many others small islands. These mangrove forests are interesting ecosystem because of their life affected of land and marine environment. As long as the terrestrial and marine environment are still in good condition, mangrove forest will survive. The picture above is mangrove forest at Loh Buaya, Rinca Island that contain many species of true mangrove such as Avicennia marina, Bruguiera gymnorrhyza, Ceriops decandra, C. tagal, Lumnitzera racemosa, Rhyzophora apiculata, R. mucronata, R. stylosa, and Sonneratia alba. All of previous species are major mangrove. The other true mangrove that include as minor mangrove at Loh Buaya e.g. Excoecaria agallocha and Xylocarpus rumphii.
Some benefit of mangrove forest for ecosystem, wildlife, and indirectly for us, are :
- To prevent erosion from terrestrial and abrasion from sea
- To reduce wave and wind
- To catch sediment (mud, detritus)
- As nursery ground, feeding ground, and spawning ground for many kind of fishes and others marine life
- As habitat for birds, reptiles, crabs, etc.
A. Major mangrove
- Avicennia marina
- A. officinalis
- Bruguiera cylindrica
- B. gymnorrhyza
- Ceriops decandra
- C. tagal
- Lumnitzera racemosa
- Rhizophora apiculata
- R. mucronata
- R. stylosa
- Sonneratia alba
- Aegiceras floridum
- Excoecaria agallocha
- Osbornia octodonta
- Pemphis acidula
- Xylocarpus granatum
- X. rumphii
- Calotrophis gigantea
- Cerbera mangas
- Clerodendron inerme
- Hibiscus tiliaceus
- Pandanus tectorius
- Sesuvium postulacastrum
- Spinifex littoreus
- Thespesia populnea
Sampel pictures of major mangrove in Komodo National Park, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia:

Photo 1. Flower of Avicennia marina at Loh Liang, Komodo Island

Photo 2. Flower of Lumnitzera racemosa at Gililawa, Komodo Island

Photo 3. Flower and fruit of Bruguiera cylindrica at Loh Dasami, Rinca Island

Photo 4. Flower of Bruguiera gymnorrhyza at Loh Sebita, Komodo Island

Photo 5. Fruit of Ceriops decandra at Loh Dasami, Komodo Island

Photo 6. Flower of Ceriops tagal at Nusa Kode Island

Photo 7. Flower of Rhyzophora mucronata at Loh Sebita, Komodo Island

Photo 8. Leaf and aerial root of R. apiculata at Loh Sebita, Komodo Island

Photo 9. Stand of Sonneratia alba at Loh Lawi, Komodo Island

Photo 10. Fruit of S. alba at Loh Dasami, Rinca Island
Sample pictures of Minor Mangrove in Komodo National Park, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia:

Photo 1. Flower of Aegiceras floridum at Loh Liang, Komodo Island

Photo 2. Male flower of Excoecaria agallocha at Nusa Kode Island

Photo 3. Flower of Osbornia octodonta at Loh Liang, Komodo Island

Photo 4. Fruit of Xylocarpus rumphii at Loh Dasami, Rinca Island
Sample pictures of associated mangrove in Komodo National Park, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia:

Photo 1. Fruit of Cerbera mangas at Loh Dasami, Rinca Island

Photo 2. Fruit of Pandanus tectorius at Loh Liang, Komodo Island

Photo 3. Female flower of Spinifex littoreus grass at Loh Dasami, Rinca Island

Photo 4. Flower of Thespesia populnea at Loh Liang, Komodo Island